Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Finally a VLB!!!

This is my brand new blog. I am very excited because I got it for my birthday, which is today. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to hurry because it is 10:39 right now, so I will just give a brief( if it can be brief) overview of my day. I will give further information, details, and pictures tomorrow. OK. Where to start? I had such a great day today. We went to Hoover, and went to Guitar Center, the Library, Olive Garden for lunch, (so good, by the way),  and Sam's Club to pick up my sweet VLB cake, (pictures tomorrow). Details tomorrow, you will have to wait. Before I go, I would like to thank Grandma Vicki for my VLB vest, and Mom, Dad, and Granddaddy for a great VLB service tonight. Granddaddy cheated. HE changed the VLB pledge to something totally different. HA! Oh-well. Don't worry. There will be lots of details and pictures tomorrow, don't be surprised. I'm so excited. AH! 10:49! OK, I really have to go now!!! Until tomorrow!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE RUE! CONGRATS ON THE NEW BLOG!!! Your Children's Church teachers is gonna miss you lots and lots. I cry when everyone graduates out. Enjoyed your first post!

  2. Sister Tammy beat me as your very first commenter only because we had a 3 hour drive to get home! :-)
    Congratulations on your very first blog and for finally making it to VLB status. I'm so happy for you!
    Happy Birthday to you, too, Sister Tammy! And to Joe.

  3. Thank you all for actually reading the blog. I was soooooo excited!!! I came down stairs this morning and Mom said I could check and see if I had any comments. 3 comments? Wow!!!
